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Cra. Mercedes Gómez Morales
Academic training
Business Management Program (PDC) - ESADE Business School, 2016.
Master in Tax Law and Technique, University of Montevideo, 2012.
Public Accountant, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration, UDELAR, 1998
Professional experience
Nopitsch & Asociados: partner since December 2020.
Senior Manager Deloitte Uruguay -Department of tax and legal advice (1997-2020)
Areas of expertise
Tax Advice.
Accounting advice.
Academic experience
Professor of the Postgraduate Tax on Agricultural Taxation at the Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU) since 2017.
2017 to 2019 and from 2004 to 2014 - Professor of Tax Legislation and Technique, FCEA, UDELAR
Professor of Tax II Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2018.
Speaker at the UPAE of different courses related to the taxation of the agricultural sector.
Responsible for the training area at Deloitte, and instructor of improvement and updating workshops on tax regulations for companies and professionals.
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